Equine Work Placements

Equine — Work Experience & EMS

RCVS Accredited Equine Hostpital

Chine House Equine Hospital offers a limited number of work experience placements of one-week duration to school and college students with a keen interest in equine and veterinary matters.


The Chine House work experience programme, which can be arranged independently, or through your educational institution, offers students over the age of 16 years the opportunity to experience life at an equine practice.


This will include shadowing our staff with a varied equine caseload and helping our nurses and grooms with their duties, providing students with a useful insight into the work carried out within a busy equine veterinary practice by vets, vet nurses and support staff.

Extra-mural Studies (EMS)

We are able to offer one or two-week placements for clinical veterinary students. This placement is varied and offers time within the equine hospital, working in all areas as well as time with the ambulatory team. Placements can be booked up to one year in advance. Please note that we cannot offer farm animal placements.


For more information or to book a placement please email your enquiry to eqplacements@chinehousevets.co.uk

Application Form

To apply for a work experience placement please complete and submit the application below. For further information about work experience availability, please feel free to get in touch by email eqplacements@chinehousevets.co.uk


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