Insurance Claims

Pet Insurance — Small Animals

RCVS Accredited Small Animal Hospital

We strongly recommend that you take out animal health insurance, including third party, accident and illness cover.

Please note that we do not sell insurance and cannot give advice on any policies or providers.


If you intend to claim on your policy for any treatment of your animal you will need to provide us with a claim form including your policy number. Please note that you will be required to pay the relevant excess when you collect your animal after treatment.


It is your responsibility to settle your account with Chine House and reclaim the fees from your Insurers. We will complete the claim form and provide copy invoices for you.


In cases where the estimated cost is over £300 we are happy to process a direct claim with your insurers (where they will allow this) – again you will need to pay any excess on collection of your animal.

More about small animal services and facilities

Out-of-hours Emergencies

  • We offer 24 hour emergency out of hours service for our clients
  • Only Chine House staff work out of hours, you will not see a vet or nurse from another practice
  • We have a nurse on-site 24 hours a day
  • Out of hours number is the same as our usual number 01509 812446
  • All our patients are cared for on-site by our team, we do not send them to a distant out-of-hours service


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Small Animals’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.


  • Visits can be made by prior appointment (NOTE — not available during Covid-19 pandemic)
  • Some pets get very stressed in a practice situation and you may prefer for us to come to your home to examine your pet
  • We will do our best to get out to you in these cases
  • Please be aware that there is a limit to what can be done in the home and in certain cases, a visit is not an appropriate option
  • Euthanasia can also be performed at home and some people prefer this option to that of bringing their pet to the practice


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Small Animals’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.


We have a 3 large prep areas where animals are anaesthetised and prepared for surgery.


There are 5 operating theatres (one for Exotics only) plus a dental theatre and Ultrasound room. We are equipped to perform a wide range surgical procedures plus orthopaedic operations from applying plates or external fixators, to repairing ruptured cruciate ligaments.


  • Facilities are available for advanced abdominal and thoracic surgery
  • All anaesthetised animals are monitored by a fully trained member of our nursing staff, using pulse oximetry and capnography where necessary


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Small Animals’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.


  • Ultrasound is used to image soft tissue structures. We have a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner which is used to examine the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Information can be gained about the kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, bladder and uterus
  • Colour flow ultrasound enables us to assess heart problems and investigates heart murmurs in detail
  • Pregnancy diagnosis can be performed from 30 days


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Exotics’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.


Endoscopes allow us to visualise areas inside the body.


We have 4 endoscopes:


  • A 3mm flexible bronchoscope for looking inside the respiratory tract
  • An 8mm gastroscope for examining the gastrointestinal tract and used to remove oesophageal and some gastric foreign bodies
  • 1.9mm and 2.7mm rigid scopes — these are used to examine the nasal cavities of dogs and cats and to explore the body cavities of reptiles and birds


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Exotics’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.


  • We have multiple piped gas anaesthetic stations. All anaesthetics are continually monitored by one of our fully trained and experienced veterinary nurses
  • Pulse oximetry, capnography and automated ventilation are available where necessary
  • Blood pressure monitoring


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Small Animals’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.

In-house Laboratory

  • We run our own in-house lab, manned by two staff.
  • Dry and wet biochemistry machines are used for running in-house blood samples.
  • Most routine samples can be run in-house and results are normally available on the same day. Some more complex assays are sent away to external labs. However, our vets are able to interpret the results and advise on appropriate treatment.
  • We perform in-house cytology and can carry out culture and sensitivity on bacterial samples.
  • The practice laboratory is HBLB approved for the culture of clitoral and endometrial swabs for CEM, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae.


Please contact the surgery with any queries or to discuss your requirements, call the ‘Small Animal’ service on 01509 812446 or click to make an enquiry.

For more about Chine House Vets or to make an appointment…